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I love the variety of characters in personality and design. The creepy/cute setting is also really interesting. I'm really excited for where the routes are going!


heyy so I noticed a bug in the game! When I played momo's route and ended up w/ the yandere ending, when Lillith is talking about the progress, the MC's name is shown instead. Just wanted to point that out!

how can i get the romance/yandere ending of morpheus and mammon ? i tried to play again about 4 times to get and got nothing...

and beelzebub too....

I just wanted to say, the creator just says to provoke more romantic options n stuff, Mammon & Morpheus are the more difficult ones to get but I'd say looking up tuto's on yt helped me get the yandere endings even IF it did spoil it, you can always just skip to the choices in the video. Hope this helped!

very thanks for your reply, i will try !!!


love Eros. He's so zesty but adorable at the same time, and I couldn't help but save every time he blushed or just said something cute in general. At first, he seems just like some self-absorbed guy who just wants to eat the MC, but I can tell that underneath it, he's just a softie who loves being overdramatic. I love the fact that you get to cuddle with him at the end of the demo, too. So freaking cute to me! I also should say, Lilith's warning does make me a little scared but also excited to see the embodiment of lust being clingy and soft. (Since Asmodeus is the name of the embodiment of the deadly sin.) I also love all the little easter eggs added into the demo with the plushies. I also enjoyed how it wasn't instantly obsessed but a growing obsession as well, so that way it isn't super fast paced. Overall, I'm super excited to see what the full game will look like!

SAME!!<3 Eros is super adorable and he seems like a real sweet genuine person under the whole playful and flirty attitude :3 and right? its pretty rare to find a character that inhibits the qualities he has there's so much more to him ya know? but i get it my save files are filled with this man lol!!<3

Tryna get the romance/yandere ending for Eros but nothing seems to work. Are those two endings still in progress or is just that I didn't do it correctly?

Nvm, found out why lol

This was amazing to be honest, loved it and hope you're doing well!

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Really cute game I love it hubris is my fav <3 :D I can't wait for more of him >3> I wan't kiss and hug him and wan't him to be mine :D <3 but I also really love Ares and Mammon <3! also holy moly all the easter eggs XD I saw dr storm and other yandere males i like <3

I played the OG demo a long time ago and just discovered this revamped (hehe) version and OMG this is 😍. I just recently had a sick day and most of the time was spent binging this game lol. The art, music, story, the characters...everything is just perfect! And the easter eggs with other games made me go "Leondardo di Caprio pointing meme" at the screen lol!

Would it be possible for you to release a walkthrough/guide for it tho? I don't mind save scumming, but some of the puzzles are a bit of a drag, and I had to replay like a billion times trying to find some endings for the guys (*cough* Ares romance/yandere end *cough*), wondering where I went wrong.

But yeah. So excited for the next update!

Omg love it!!!!

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Hi!! While I was playing, I realized Eros didn't have a skull/memory. So I just wanted to ask, have I just been unsuccessful with finding the skull, or is it only going to be find-able in later updates/nights?;D


He does have a memory skull. You just need to look for it

oooo, ok <3 thank you so much!

I loved this game! Can't wait to see what's in store for MC!

P.S.: Cerbie has done nothing wrong, ever. Same with Cogs and Daisy.

Creator of this game I am just here to tell you that it’s lots of people that support you and I hope you know that but I just wanted to say this because today was my birthday and a YouTuber made a video on hubris route and I just really wanted to thank you for making the game because like if this game was not invented, I would be sad

now i really am struggling to get mammon's yandere end for the second time ToT


I keep getting the platonic route for Mammon, is that the best we can get for now is it something I’m doing wrong?

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but in all seriousness I love this game, and it amazes me how long it is for a demo, I can’t wait for the full game!

nvm, I found it, it was on my part lol


To get on the romance/yandere route for Ares, you need to click on the small rose bush near the bench in the garden scene.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa I keep struggling on Ares' route im going insane but I love him sm <3

i saw the description for this and my ADHD demands I inform you that telling teens they are forbidden is basically a dare XD. My young (<18 yo) past-self would have immediately played this out of spite alone for being told I couldn't.

My twink Phthonus is no longer shorter then me how dare you (This is a joke don't take it seriously) 

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Is one of the portraits in the mansion Dr. Lavender Storm from Sterile Desires? 

Edit: Oh, there are even plushies and posters of other indie game characters. I'm smart XD

can u help with morpheus on the password section please

It's "KING"

thank u very much, i put 'THE KING' thank u again

hello, sry for the bother, again but i'm having trouble with the yandere ending for morpheus, is their a certain choice i need to make? 


At the last option, pick "you look like a doll"

thx again, your a big help, Ms.Rose


For those who are stuck on the password section of Eros' route, the answer is "sun".